to the Anglican Parish of St Patrick, Salter Street
We are an Anglican parish within the Birmingham Diocese. We serve the communities of Cheswick Green, Dickens Heath, Monkspath, Blythe Valley, Illshaw Heath, and parts of Earlswood.
We are a welcoming church that puts God at the centre of all that we do and reaches out to everyone in the community. We look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful church
Safeguarding Policy
Here at St Patrick’s, we are committed to:
- The care, nurture of and respectful pastoral ministry with all children and adults.
- The safeguarding and protection of all children, young people and adults when they are vulnerable.
- The establishing of safe, caring communities which provide a loving environment where there is a culture of informed vigilance as to the dangers of abuse.
We will carefully select and train all those with any responsibility within the Church, in line with safe recruitment principles, as defined by relevant legislation and the Church of England policies.
The parish ensures that all those authorised to work with children
- are appropriately recruited according to safe recruitment practice
- are trained and supported.
The parish also ensures that
- There is appropriate insurance cover for all activities involving children undertaken in the name of the parish
- The implementation of the safeguarding policy, its procedures and good practice are reviewed at least annually
The Parochial Church Council of the Parish of St Patrick’s Church, Salter Street, agreed to adopt all of the House of Bishops’ safeguarding policy and practice guidance and The Church of England – Birmingham’s procedures for their implementation on 2nd August 2021
Safeguarding Telephone Numbers:
- Sarah Perry – Safeguarding Coordinator: 07719 942597
- or Revd Denise Jones: 07747 385006
- or Stephanie Haines – Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser: 07342 993844
Parish Safeguarding Children and Young Adults Officer can be contacted through one of the above.
Please click links below for our full Safeguarding Policies:
Modern Slavery Helpline Poster-04.2024
Modern Slavery in Children Poster-04.2024
Modern Slavery Safeguarding Poster-04.2024
Safeguarding - Promoting a Safer Church Notice 11.2023 v3
Safeguarding Learning & Development - New Policy for 01.2022
Safer Recruitment & People Management - Revised Policy for 01.2022
Salter Street Parish Domestic Abuse Policy Statement 04.2024-v4
Salter Street Parish Recruitment of Ex Offenders Policy Statement 11.2023-v3
Salter Street Parish Reporting of Serious Incidents to the Charity Commision - 11.2023 -v3
Salter Street Parish Safeguarding Policy 11.2023-v5
Salter Street Parish Use of Social Media Policy 04.2024-v3
Please find below links for National Safeguarding Policies:
Key Roles and Responsibilities of Church Office Holders and Bodies Practice Guidance
Promoting a Safe Church
Promoting a Safer Church
Protecting all God’s Children 2010
Safeguarding in Religious Communities Practice Guidance
Safeguarding Joint Practice Guidance – LEPS
Safeguarding Joint Practice Guidance – Safeguarding Records
Safer Recruitment Practice Guidance 2016
Church Services
Sunday 9th February - Sung Eucharist with Junior Church at 10am
Sunday 16th February - Sung Eucharist at 10am
Sunday 25th February - Sung Eucharist with Junior Church at 10am
Sunday 2nd March - Family Holy Communion at 10am
There will be refreshments in the Undercroft after the services
All are welcome at our services.
For more details of our general service pattern, see here
Our Newsletters
Please click here for latest newsletter.
Special Services
Patronal Service for St Patrick's Day, Sunday 16th March, with Holy Communion at 10am
Mothering Sunday Service, Sunday 30th March, with Holy Communion and Junior Church at 10am
Lent and Easter Services
Ash Wednesday 5th March Holy Communion at 7.30pm
Lent-themed Bible Studies on Wednesdays from 12th March to 9th April at 7.30pm in the Undercroft
Holy Week Services - Mon 14th, Tues 15th and Wed 16th Apr
Maundy Thursday Service 17th April at 7.30pm
Good Friday Messy Church 18th April 10am - 12 noon
Good Friday Service 18th April 2 - 3pm
Easter Day Family Holy Communion 20th April at 10am
Messy Church
The next Messy Church is on Good Friday.
Further information about Messy Church can be found here.
Your Donations
We are grateful to everyone who gives so generously to support the church. Your help will allow us to continue our work of "Growing God's Kingdom" in this community, and ensure St. Patrick's is here for future generations. Further information on giving can be found here. |
We support Sparkhill Foodbank

We regularly take desperately needed non-perishable food items to the Sparkhill Foodbank. Items must be in date and not damaged.
They can be brought into church on Sunday mornings.
Items they need can be found here.
Your Health & Safety
You will continue to find hand sanitiser available when you enter and leave the church. It is also available on pew ends so that you can use it before receiving communion. Communion is being administered in a very safe way, allowing a choice of receiving at the high altar or in your seats. Further information can be found here.