Our Team

Our Vicar

‘A Little Bit About Me’ - Revd Denise (Dee)

This is a picture of our new vicar

Hello, my name is Denise, I am also known as Dee. I am married to Nigel. I was brought up in the village of Marston Green which is north of Solihull. Nigel and I have two grown up children Andrew (married to Maggiie) and Claire (married to Mark) and five gorgeous grandchildren, Jessica, Leigh-Anne, Lillie, Bella and Max. 

Having come to faith, as an adult, in 1984, and experiencing the incredible power of God’s love in my life I have never lost my passion for sharing the ‘Good News’ of God’s love and His generous saving grace. 

Much of my social and leisure time is spent with my husband Nigel, my family, friends and Standard Poodle, Beau.

I was ordained as deacon in 1998 and priest in 1999. I served my title within the parish of St. Mary’s Hobs Moat in Solihull. Having been educated and trained in the area of psychology and counselling, I have worked for 20 years within the NHS, as a Senior Health Care Chaplain, specialising in mental health and baby loss. On completing my curacy in 2001, I served as Assistant Priest at St. Margaret’s Olton with my husband the Rev’d Nigel Jones, who is also an ordained Church of England Priest. Whilst working as a chaplain, I also offered support to my local parish church Christ Church, Yardley Wood; it was a great privilege to work with the Rev’d John Richards and the Rev’d Lydia Gaston. I was called to become Priest in Charge of St. Bernard, Hamstead in 2015 where I spent 6 wonderful years of ministry with an amazing church family and community.

Since coming to faith, as an adult, in 1984, I have had a passion for supporting people who are seeking to serve God and fulfil their vocational calling; I currently support the Rev’d Calvert Prentice, Birmingham’s Diocesan Director of Ordinands, in the role of Assistant Director of Ordinands. It is an exciting time for the Church of England with new pathways of vocational discernment and training opportunities and this role, I believe, will very much compliment my priestly role here at St. Patrick, where together we will engage in the ministry of encouragement and discernment and prayerfully fulfil our parish mission prayer;

‘God of Mission, who through the teaching of the apostles,

 through fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayer, 

saw the Lord add to their number, day by day, those being saved.

Empower us by your Spirit to speak of the good news of Jesus Christ

 and of the Kingdom to our families, our friends and those you show us. 

That we may be strengthened in faith and increase in numbers. 

Though Jesus Christ who calls us all to be disciples.’

Nigel and I are both very much looking forward to joining you all at St. Patrick and sharing our Lord’s Great Commission together. 

God Bless you all, love and prayers, Dee.

Support Ministry

Assistant Curate Reverend Sian Nicholas

picture of Revd Sian I'm Revd. Sian Nicholas and in the past, I've been a Juvenile Justice Worker, a Probation Officer, a Mission Partner with CMS, a researcher and university lecturer in Religion, Peace and Conflict.  More recently, having trained as a Lay Reader and Spiritual Director I have been working as a Chaplain at University Hospitals Birmingham since 2021 and am based at Good Hope Hospital in Sutton Coldfield.

I was ordained in October 2024 and I am working as an Assistant Curate at St. Patrick's for the next 3 years while I learn the art of being a priest, alongside my work at the hospital.

I met Jonathan when I worked in Southall for A Rocha UK in 2005 and we have a strong interest in creation care. Jonathan is a vicar elsewhere in the Diocese of Birmingham.  We don't have children, but spend our money instead on the dog, the cat, and the chickens. We hope to keep Alpacas one day.

Reverend Dr Nigel Jones provides support ministry within our parish and on our behalf.Revd Dr Nigel Jones

Reverend Kathy Lloyd-Roberts has now also joined our team of clergy providing support ministry.

Clergy Team Member

Our Churchwarden

Our churchwarden is Russell Moore, and he can be contacted here.


 Russell Moore Churchwarden

 Our Parish Administrator

Sue Cattell is our parish administrator. She usually is available between 9am - 1pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. She can be contacted by email or by phone on 07761 002870Parish Administrator Sue Cattell